The Bier Bier Bar is located at the Diana Park in Kolmikulma, Helsinki.
The building is preserved by the Finnish National Board of Antiquities, which aims to safeguard the country’s cultural heritage.
Joanna Laajisto had to create a warm and comfortable environment taking into consideration the board’s restrictions.
The result justified her efforts.
The original historic aesthetic of the building is perfectly maintained using a dark color palette, while modern lighting and furniture match perfecty and bring out the best of the place.
Bier Bier Bar in Helsinki by Studio Joanna Laajisto
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The Bier Bier Bar is located at the Diana Park in Kolmikulma, Helsinki.
The building is preserved by the Finnish National Board of Antiquities, which aims to safeguard the country’s cultural heritage.
Joanna Laajisto had to create a warm and comfortable environment taking into consideration the board’s restrictions.