In the heart of Mykonos town, Nōema is a hybrid gathering place that revolves around a courtyard restaurant bar and a concept store, designed by studio Pale. Housed in a traditional Mykonian residence, the Nōema store is a paean to modern Cycladic minimalism. A constellation of subdued spaces acts as a cool, white canvas for a niche collection of fashion, jewelry, and decorative objects from Greece and beyond.
Following the conceptual direction of Nōema’s signature fashion line Prao, the design has a stripped-back, monastic aesthetic — a neutral palette for the merchandise. A raw base of concrete, limewashed walls, and stained wood is layered with Greek antiques, handwoven fabrics, and custom ironwork. Garments hang on hooks, hangers, and lines. Spot-lit objects are displayed on benches and plinths. A handwoven wall hanging made in pure, recycled cotton yarns by textile artisan Alexandra Bissa, designed in collaboration with Prao.
Renovation and Interior Design: Leda Athanasopoulou
Creative Direction: Marios Schwab, Jacopo Ianniello
Photography: Yiorgos Kordakis